March 11, 2024
How to Use a Bath Bomb
Although bath bombs are great accessories for making your home bathtub feel like part of a luxurious spa, it’s important to know how to use a bath bomb properly if you want to avoid creating any plumbing problems.
February 26, 2024
Do I Need to Install a Water Filter in My Home?
Installing a water filter in your fridge can offer several benefits, both in terms of the quality of water you consume and the overall convenience to your household.
February 12, 2024
8 Common Myths and Misconceptions About Plumbing
As much as we might think we know our toilets, sinks, and showers around the house, there are many myths and misconceptions about plumbing. So, let’s set the record straight on a few of the biggest plumbing myths we often hear.
January 22, 2024
Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Toilet
At some point or another, pretty much everything in your home will have to be replaced with a newer, updated version of itself, and your toilet is no exception.
January 8, 2024
What Plumbing Maintenance Should I Do Every Winter?
When winter brings its cold air and frequent precipitation, don’t hesitate: This is an ideal time to make sure everything is okay with your plumbing, so you can avoid the destructive and costly problem of frozen pipes.
December 11, 2023
Here’s What You Should NEVER Flush Down Your Toilet
The first rule that anyone should know about toilets is there are certain items you should never flush down it. It would be nice if toilets were an all-encompassing deposit where you could get rid of anything, but that’s unfortunately not the case.
December 25, 2023
Help! How Do I Shut Off My Water?
Imagine trying to function around the house without any running water. Your kitchen, your bathroom, your laundry room, your backyard garden—so many important parts of your home depend on that running water. But when you have a plumbing emergency, suddenly that source of running water could become a destructive force, causing flooding and other damage.
November 13, 2023
Which Plumbing Problems Can I DIY and Which Should I Leave to Professionals?
No matter how much care you take with your home, plumbing problems are bound to happen sooner or later, and when they do, you’ll find yourself faced with a crucial question: Do I attempt to DIY a solution, or is this something where I need to call a professional?
November 27, 2023
How Can I Reduce My Water Use at Home?
There’s no denying the need for water around your home—for drinking, for cleaning, for bathing, for watering your plants, and so much more! We’re lucky to live in a society with running water that makes this resource so readily available. Unfortunately, that can also mean we take it for granted—and it can lead to a lot of waste.Even though water waste is a common problem, there are small but impactful ways you can reduce your water use around the house, all without ever noticeably affecting your quality of life.Here’s what you should know about reducing water use and how you can do it…
October 23, 2023
How To Avoid Sump Pump Problems
If you own a single-family home with a basement, you most likely have a sump pump tucked away downstairs, quietly performing its crucial role of safeguarding your home from water damage. However, when sump pump problems arise, they can quickly escalate into a homeowner's nightmare. To keep your basement dry and your worries at bay, understanding how to prevent sump pump problems is essential. So, let’s go through the right steps to ensure your sump pump remains a reliable guardian, ready to tackle any watery challenges that may come your way.
September 25, 2023
What Do I Need to Know About Well Water and Septic Water
Imagine drawing water from a natural underground reservoir that's as clear as the sky on a sunny day—that's the essence of well water. Essentially, it's groundwater sourced from wells drilled deep into the earth. Well water can be a blessing for homeowners, providing an independent and often cost-effective source of water for household needs where you don’t need to rely on municipal water through your local county or city.
October 9, 2023
Foods You Should Never Put Down Your Garbage Disposal
The garbage disposal is a convenient kitchen appliance that helps manage food waste efficiently. However, it's important to know which items are suitable for disposal and which should be avoided to prevent damage, clogs, and plumbing issues.
September 11, 2023
Why You Should Consider a Job in the Trades
Consider them the unsung heroes of the workforce: the skilled tradespeople. If you find fulfillment in hands-on work, crave tangible results, and seek a secure and financially rewarding career, then it's time to seriously consider a job in the trades.
August 28, 2023
What to Know About Plumbing When You’re Buying a House
So you’re in the market for a new home—congrats! When you’re looking at potential properties, there will be so many factors to consider, both practically and aesthetically. One aspect of your potential new home you want to seriously think about is plumbing.
August 14, 2023
We Need More Women in STEM, Engineering, and Trades
From STEM to trades, there are numerous male-dominated work fields where women have been traditionally underrepresented—however, the importance of women's participation and leadership in these areas cannot be overstated! Breaking through the barriers of societal expectations and biases, women bring fresh perspectives, unique skills, and important contributions that enrich the workforce and drive innovation.
July 10, 2023
Your Plumbing Checklist When You’re Going Out of Town
Going on vacation should be a fun and relaxing time, but you can make sure your worries are kept to a minimum by double-checking around your house for any plumbing problems. Don’t let bad luck ruin what is supposed to be a special occasion—take some extra precautions by performing regular maintenance and avoiding any unwanted disasters.
July 24, 2023
Common Plumbing Problems in Your Kitchen
The kitchen is the heart of the home, where meals are prepared and memories are made. However, it's also a space prone to various plumbing issues that can disrupt our daily routines. From clogged drains to leaking faucets and malfunctioning appliances, kitchen plumbing problems can be frustrating and inconvenient. Here are some of the more common plumbing issues you might encounter in the kitchen.
June 26, 2023
Four LGBTQ Leaders in Trade Industries
By highlighting the contributions of LGBTQ leaders in trade industries, we can not only celebrate their accomplishments but also inspire other LGBTQ individuals to pursue careers in these fields. More importantly, it helps break down stereotypes and discrimination that may have previously existed and promotes a more welcoming and inclusive environment for all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Here are four LGBTQ tradespeople you should know this Pride Month.
June 12, 2023
Maintain and Repair Your Bathroom Faucets: What You Should Know
With proper care and maintenance, your bathroom faucet can continue to provide reliable and efficient performance for years to come. Here’s what you should do at least once every six months.
May 22, 2023
What Causes Low Water Pressure?
Let’s go over some common causes of low water pressure and what steps you can take when troubleshooting this issue!
May 8, 2023
What Type of Maintenance Should You Do in the Spring?
With the emergence of spring comes the perfect opportunity to give your home a thorough check up and make sure all is in good working order. Without an annual tune-up, you may be at risk of long-term damage or costly repairs.
April 17, 2023
Is Water Treatment Still Necessary (for Public Water or Well Water)?
Clean water is essential to our everyday lives—it is vital for consumption, hygiene, cooking, and many other activities. As we all strive to achieve a healthier lifestyle and protect the environment, it has become increasingly important to treat water whenever possible. By doing this, you can ensure that the quality of your drinking water meets safety standards while also helping safeguard against potential threats from pollutants in the air or waste runoff.
April 3, 2023
If a Pipe Bursts in Your Home
The burst of a broken pipe in your home can cause serious damage. Not only can it lead to potential flooding, but it also may create an opportunity for mold to begin growing and spreading throughout the affected area. In addition, a burst pipe can cause the destruction of surrounding walls and floors, as well as furniture, carpets, and other belongings.
March 20, 2023
Getting Rid of Rust Stains
Are you tired of dealing with unsightly rust stains in your bathroom or other places that have a lot of contact between water and metal? Rust can accumulate from various sources, including everything from shower fixtures to a can of shaving cream, leading to an eyesore that is difficult to remove. Fortunately, there are a few simple techniques for getting rid of rust stains quickly and easily, no matter how large or small the spot!
March 6, 2023
Why Having An LGBTQ Service Company Is Beneficial To Its Clients
Supporting LGBTQ businesses and other minority-led businesses is important for promoting diversity and inclusion within public commerce. But it’s also a huge benefit to the client.
February 20, 2023
What It's Like to Have a Home on Well Water
Having a home on well water can be a great experience if you understand the nuances of living with it. Here are some answers to common questions you might have about well water.
February 6, 2023
Is It Time to Replace Your Water Heater?
How do you know it's time to replace your water heater? The good news is that replacing your water heater doesn't have to come as a surprise. You can actually budget for it and start planning ahead so you are ready when it’s time.
January 23, 2023
Are Dishwashers a Fire Hazard?
What would you think is the greatest fire hazard in your home? Which appliance out of everything in your kitchen is most likely to start a fire? While cooking appliances, such as your oven or toaster, are indeed the most likely to start a fire, your dishwasher is the biggest risk of all your non-cooking appliances.
January 9, 2023
Winterize Your Home
Winter is almost here. Is your home ready? If not, it's time to get started. But why? Why do we need to winterize our homes? Today, we will explain the steps to winterizing your home and why each step matters.
December 26, 2022
Home Maintenance Tasks That Save You Time & Money
Home maintenance can save you thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours of your time down the road. In this article, we will discuss the 10 most important home maintenance tasks a homeowner needs to consider, why they are important and what you need to know to get them done.
December 12, 2022
Unclog Your Kitchen Sink In 5 Simple Steps
Is your sink clogged? Chances are you can unclog it yourself. In this article, we will share the most common causes of a clogged kitchen sink and how to unclog it in 5 easy steps.
Why is my Water Bill Higher Than Normal?
A sudden increase to your water bill can be concerning and frustrating. Learn 10 possible causes of an increased water bill and how to resolve the issues!
The Dangers of DIY with Gas Lines
Learn the dangers of working on gas lines and fixtures. Prevent carbon monoxide and gas leaks.
Donovan WaterWorks is Celebrating 2 Years of Exceptional Plumbing Services
We are a woman & family-owned and operated business providing plumbing services to the state of Maryland. Our passion for doing things right the first time has helped us become one of Baltimore's premier plumbing companies in just two short years!
What to do if You Notice a Gas Smell in Your Home
Learn the signs of a gas leak and what to do if you smell gas in your home.
How to Drain a Water Heater
Learn how to drain a gas and electric water heater effectively. This will keep them running efficiently, extend their life, reduce maintenance costs, and prevent any potential leaks that can damage your home.
Everything You Need to Know About Sump Pumps
Learn everything you need to know about sump pumps, from where they are located to how you can ensure they continue functioning properly.
Do You Have Mold In Your Home?
Learn the importance of checking for mold and how to remove and prevent it from happening in your home.
Emergency Shut-Off Valves
Emergencies can happen at any time. Learn the importance of identifying and using the emergency water and gas shut-off valves in your home.
What To Do When A Pipe Bursts In Your Home
Burst pipes can cause a lot of damage in a short amount of time. Learn how to spot the signs, prevent frozen pipes, and what to do if a pipe bursts in your home.
How To Prevent Your Pipes From Freezing
Tips and advice on how you can prevent your pipes from freezing this winter. And learn what to do if they do freeze so that you can be prepared for the situation at hand.
Signs Of A Mainline Backup
You might not think about it, but your main sewer line is a crucial part of your plumbing system. Learn the warning signs of a mainline backup and how to handle the situation.
Are Flushable Wipes Really Flushable?
In this blog post, we'll answer the question of whether or not flushable wipes are safe for your plumbing. You might be surprised by what you find out!
What To Do In A Plumbing Emergency
Don't delay! Find out what to do during a plumbing emergency, including turning off your water source and water heater.
Plumbing Maintenance
Plumbing maintenance is necessary to ensure that your plumbing system remains in tip-top shape. Explore the reasons why maintenance is so important and how you can easily maintain your plumbing.
Supporting Our Community
A community thrives when people help one another. It's so important to us to serve those in need. Learn more about our efforts to support the community and future plans.
We Protect Your Home
We take pride, not only in the plumbing services that we offer, but also in the way that we protect your home throughout the process.
Should I Use a Chemical Drain Cleaner?
It's important to understand all of the pros and cons of using chemical drain cleaners as well as all of the available options and alternatives.
Winterizing Your Home
It's so important to prepare your home in the fall to prevent complications during the frigid winter months. Check out our winterization checklist to make sure you don't miss anything!
Handyman Versus Licensed Plumber
Need assistance, but not sure who to call? Explore the differences between a handyman and a licensed plumber.
Garbage Disposal 101
The do's and don'ts for our favorite kitchen appliance, your garbage disposal. Keep yours running smoothly for years to come with these easy tips.
Water Treatment 101
Water treatment doesn't have to be a mystery. This article helps you understand what your options are.
Which Water Heater Is Right For Me?
Choosing the right type and size water heater doesn't have to be overwhelming. Our talented team can help you pick the perfect water heater for your needs.
Your plumbing worries stop here.
You're taking care of everything else in your world. Let us take care of this.
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