Why You Should Consider a Job in the Trades

September 11, 2023

Consider them the unsung heroes of the workforce: the skilled tradespeople. If you find fulfillment in hands-on work, crave tangible results, and seek a secure and financially rewarding career, then it's time to seriously consider a job in the trades. With a growing demand for skilled workers, competitive salaries, ample job security, and the opportunity for continuous learning and advancement, the trades offer a promising pathway to a fulfilling and prosperous future.

In other words—yes, you should consider a job in the trades!

What Are Trade Jobs?

When people refer to trade jobs, they are typically referring to occupations that require specialized skills and training in a specific trade or craft. These jobs involve manual labor and typically involve working with tools, equipment, or machinery to perform tasks related to construction, repair, installation, or maintenance.

Trade jobs cover a wide range of industries and professions:

  • Construction trades, including plumbers, electricians, masons, painters, drywall installers, and roofers. They are involved in building, renovating, and repairing structures.
  • Automotive trades, including automotive technicians, mechanics, auto body repairers, and automotive electricians. They specialize in repairing and maintaining vehicles.
  • Manufacturing trades, which include machinists, welders, metalworkers, tool and die makers, and fabricators. They work in factories and workshops, producing and assembling products.
  • Electricians, who specialize in installing, maintaining, and repairing electrical systems in residential, commercial, and industrial settings.
  • HVAC technicians, who work on heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems in residential and commercial buildings.
  • Welders, who join or cut metal parts using various welding techniques and equipment.
  • And of course, plumbers, who install, repair, and maintain plumbing systems, including pipes, fixtures, and appliances.

These are just a few examples of trade jobs, and there are many other specialized trades and professions within different industries. Trade jobs often require specific certifications, licenses, or apprenticeships to ensure that workers have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their tasks safely and effectively.

The Trade Job Field Is Heating Up

Talk to an expert on professional development and career planning, and you’ll probably hear something that wasn’t said as often in past decades: If you think you’re cut out for it, you should pursue the trades. 

There are several compelling reasons why a person should consider a job in the trades, including:

Strong demand

Skilled tradespeople are in high demand in many industries, and this demand is expected to continue growing in the coming years. Trades such as plumbing, electrical work, carpentry, HVAC, welding, and automotive repair are essential for construction, infrastructure development, and maintenance. With an increasing need for infrastructure improvements and a shortage of skilled workers, there are ample job opportunities available.

Job security

The demand for skilled trades is less susceptible to economic fluctuations compared to some other industries. People will always need tradespeople to build and repair homes, offices, and various infrastructures. This provides a sense of job security, as trade careers tend to be more recession-resistant.

Competitive salaries

Skilled trades can offer competitive salaries, especially when considering the relatively shorter education and training period compared to traditional four-year degree programs. Many trade careers offer attractive earning potential, and as you gain experience and expertise, your earning potential typically increases.

Hands-on work and variety

If you enjoy working with your hands and prefer practical, tangible work over a desk job, the trades may be a great fit for you. Trade work often involves problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity. Additionally, many trades offer a wide variety of tasks, so you're unlikely to get bored with the same routine every day.

Career progression and entrepreneurship

The trades offer excellent opportunities for career growth and advancement. With experience and additional training, you can become a supervisor, project manager, or even start your own business. Tradespeople often have the option to become self-employed and enjoy the benefits of entrepreneurship, such as setting their own schedule and potentially higher income.

Job satisfaction

Many tradespeople find their work highly rewarding and fulfilling. The ability to see tangible results of their labor, contribute to the construction or repair of essential infrastructure, and solve real-world problems can bring a sense of accomplishment and job satisfaction.

Continuous learning

The trades require ongoing learning and skill development. You'll have the opportunity to stay updated with the latest technologies, techniques, and tools in your field. This can keep your work interesting and allow you to stay competitive in the job market.

There has been a shift in societal perceptions towards trade jobs. In the past, there was a societal emphasis on pursuing a four-year college degree as the primary pathway to success. However, this mindset is changing as people recognize the value and benefits of trade careers. Skilled trades offer competitive wages, career progression, job security, and a sense of accomplishment. As a result, trade jobs are now being seen as attractive and viable career options.

It's important to note that while a career in the trades offers numerous advantages, it may also involve physical labor, working in various conditions, and potential hazards. However, for individuals who enjoy hands-on work and are motivated to learn and grow in a practical field, the trades can provide a fulfilling and financially rewarding career path.

Here at Donovan Waterworks, we are proud to be skilled tradespeople who take our craft seriously and serve our customers well. In addition, we hope to help others passionate about learning the trade. Therefore, we offer an apprenticeship program to those interested. Give us a call to learn more at 410-240-5299.

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