Supporting Our Community

Helping to support our community is one of the biggest goals that we have. We believe that in a community, everyone should help one another. It makes the community and world a better place. 

Our Business Policy

We have a protocol in place to help those that are in need. Our technicians are trained and encouraged to report any situations in the field that could warrant our assistance. 

If one of our technicians is evaluating a needed repair and they suspect that the homeowner may be struggling or is experiencing some financial hardship, they are encouraged to report it. The reason for this is so that we can further assess the situation and see if we can offer our services at a discounted rate so that the homeowner is able to afford the needed repairs. 

For example, we had an older woman on a fixed income, with custody of her grandchildren, that needed a new toilet but could not afford one. We charged her $100 for the entire job of purchasing and installing a new toilet. 

We strive to maintain a kind and respectful environment while extending our hand to those in need.

Charity Contest

We are so honored to have been able to help someone in the community in a big way. 

Last year we had a contest and asked that people nominate someone that needs plumbing repairs but isn’t in the financial situation to afford them. We selected a winner at random. 

The winner of this contest was a woman who required a main water line to be replaced. This is a costly repair, but if left untreated, she would not have any water in her home. Our staff replaced the main water line after business hours and at no cost to her. 

She made a statement that we will never forget. She stated, “you have no idea how important water is until you don’t have access to any”.

It really put things into perspective for us and has driven us to serve even more people in our community. 

We believe that everyone deserves access to water.

Future Plans

The intention of this blog post is not to “brag” about the things that we have done, but rather to raise awareness of how impactful small acts of kindness can be.

We loved the result of the contest last year and plan on doing it again in 2022, so keep your eye on our Facebook and Instagram page, so that you can nominate someone in need of plumbing repairs.

We value each member of our community and will continue to do all that we can to make a difference.

Your plumbing worries stop here.
You're taking care of everything else in your world. Let us take care of this.
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