What It's Like to Have a Home on Well Water

February 20, 2023

Having a home on well water can be a great experience if you understand the nuances of living with it. Although well water frees you from the restrictions of city water or other municipalities, there will be other challenges you face when you’re sourcing your household water from a well.

Here are some answers to common questions you might have about well water.

What Is Well Water?

Well water, sometimes referred to as groundwater, is literally that: it springs, or wells up, from an underground source. If you use well water, your home is not connected to any city or municipal plumbing systems. It's distinct from other types of water sources in multiple ways, primarily that it can vary much more significantly depending on the location and type of well. 

While a municipal water system will have tests performed on a regular basis, checking for contaminants and such, well water may not have been tested in ages due to its private status. This means you are responsible for all aspects of maintaining the well and its plumbing system, including purifying and treating the water.

The most important part of having a well is regular maintenance to ensure it's functioning properly. You must have your well water tested regularly and monitor any anomalies or pollutants. Filtration systems for well water are also essential for anyone living in a rural area to ensure safe and reliable drinking water.

How Do I Get Well Water And What Kind Of Equipment Do I Need To Access It?

To access the untreated and naturally filtered water sitting beneath our feet, many people opt to source their own well. While the process can be daunting, with the right equipment and knowledge it is relatively simple to install a well on private property.

To source this water, you will need several essential pieces of equipment: a pump with power to move ancient subterranean water, a purification system for safe consumption, and a storage tank for adequate reserve.

When installing a new well, make sure you use qualified professionals who know what they're doing. If done correctly, your well will provide clean drinking water for years to come. It's also important to have the plumbing installed correctly so it doesn't leak or become clogged over time. 

A diagram of your well design should also be drafted during installation—a blueprint of sorts—and all regulations pertaining to wells should be double-checked before beginning. With all of these steps in line and met, you will soon enjoy delicious and refreshing well water direct from your backyard.

What Are The Benefits Of Having A Home With A Well As Your Main Water Source?

The benefits of well water can be experienced both indoors and outdoors. Well water is often cleaner than tap water because it’s derived from natural sources, meaning contaminants aren’t added in the process. This makes it ideal for outdoor activities such as gardening, which require the use of non-contaminated water.

Inside, well water can significantly reduce household bills that are associated with chlorinated municipal water. It also helps to bring out more distinct flavors in home-brewed beer and other kitchen creations.

Additionally, hard water found in wells is known to provide calcium and other mineral nutrients essential for a healthy diet.

Are There Drawbacks To Having Well Water That I Should Know About?

It can be much harder to ensure the purity of the water from wells, as there can be hidden contaminants present that are not monitored by public services. Not only can this lead to health complications, but it may increase costs due to frequent testing that has to be done in order to protect the family living in the home. Testing the water periodically is important to ensure it's safe to drink and use for cooking.

Tests should be done at least once a year and more often if you notice any changes in taste or smell. Testing will also help detect any contaminants that may have entered your well system due to nearby human activity or environmental changes. 

Secondly, the minerals in well water can lead to build-up on fixtures and appliances over time if not treated correctly. High sodium levels can make it unsuitable for drinking or cooking unless treated prior. 

Finally, most homes on wells don't have hot water systems connected directly to the plumbing so you'll need an additional heating system such as a tankless water heater. In some cases, you need special equipment like pumps and tanks which require regular servicing. This means higher repair costs out of pocket as well as increased effort when it comes time for cleaning and maintenance.

If Your Well Needs Maintenance Or Repairs, Who Should You Call For Help?

This depends on the nature of the job. If it's a simple task such as regular maintenance, you may be able to do it yourself. However, if the issue is more complex or requires special skills and tools, then seeking professional help is advised. To ensure that your well lasts a long time without fail, it is important to locate an experienced and qualified service provider in your area that specializes in this type of work. Using the experience and expertise of a reputable company will help ensure that any maintenance or repair efforts are done correctly and safely.

If you have questions about well water, or if you need assistance with your well system, reach out to our team at Donovan Waterworks. Give us a call at 410-240-5299

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